Miraculous God,
Your son, during his pilgrimage on earth, healed and cured so many believers. He performed a wide variety of miracles to the amazement and bewilderment of many of his contemporaries. Each town he visited was blessed with the gift of healing.
I pray for all those who have a family member or loved one who may have received the crippling news that their condition has no remedy; that life for them is a fleeting iceberg; that termination is the inevitable future.
May you comfort them with your boundless and unrelenting love. Assuage all fear and anxiety and replace them with peace and tranquility, with the knowledge that you are the watchful commander over the entire ordeal and that you have already taken measures to make a murky and morbid situation, one filled with your holy and magnificent presence. May they know that you have sent angels and guardians to allay and make stable all inclemency and travails.
We know that this earthly journey is our only passage into the eternal life that is promised to us in scripture and teaching. Therefore, even if the current situation seems futile and disheartening, we stand triumphant and joyful with the confidence that our loved ones are headed to eternal glory with you and those who have gone before us.
Grant every son, daughter, mother, father, wife, husband, sister, brother the equanimity to stand tall and strong in the face of adversity with the assurance that you have a perfect plan for each person.
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